New Testament seeks to engage everyone in worship because we recognize the important role music plays in our faith. We are blessed to have a congregation filled with talented musicians who faithfully serve in the music ministry. We offer many styles of music in our worship services, so whether you prefer contemporary music or traditional worship hymns and choruses, there is a style of music for you at New Testament.
Praise and Worship Team
Led by: Rob Coffman
Each Sunday morning our Praise and Worship Team leads the congregation in contemporary songs of praise and worship. Every song is carefully selected to help strengthen the foundation of our Christian faith through the power of God’s Word. We invite everyone to participate in this time of praise and worship of our faithful, loving Father in Heaven.
NTBC Choir
Led by: Scott Roberts
At New Testament we invite everyone to participate in our choir. Our choir works hard to prepare monthly music specials for our church. In addition, our choir performs musical specials for our Christmas and Easter worship services.